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                                                                                                                 Empowering Voters.    Defending Democracy.

HomeAbsentee Ballots

Absentee Ballots (aka Vote by Mail)

To vote by mail one of the following reasons must apply; 

  • Expect to be absent from the county on Election Day.
  • Are a voter with disabilities.
  • Are at least 65 years old.
  • Will have official election duties outside of your precinct.
  • Are scheduled to work the entire 12 hours the polls are open on Election Day.
  • Are confined to your home or a hospital the  Election Day by illness or injury.
  • Are caring for someone confined to their home on Election Day.
  • Because of a religious discipline or holiday that falls on Election Day
  • Fall under the "fail-safe" procedure because you changed residence before an election
  • Do not have transportation to the polls.
  • Are a participant in the state's address confidentiality program
  • Are a member of the Indiana National Guard deployed or on assignment in Indiana
  • Are a member of the military, a public safety officer or an overseas voter.
  • A "serious sex offender" defined by IC 35-42-4-14a
*Election day hours are 6:00 AM until 6:00 PM 

Vote by Mail

All Allen County registered voters must complete and submit an absentee ballot application to vote by mail. No identification is required.   

You may complete an online application at the state’s Voter Portal which is delivered to the Allen County Election Board electronically.  If you prefer, request an application by emailing them at or call 260-449-7329. 

Applications for the 2024 General Elections are currently available.  
Vote by Mail application deadline:  Oct 24, 2024 at 11:59 PM. 
Applications can be accepted online, by mail, fax or email.  

Voted ballots must be returned to the Election Board office by 6 PM on Election Day.  Ballots can be returned by USPS or in person to the Election Board office.

For your convenience , here is the most recent fillable vote-by-mail application

Indiana Voter Portal: Print Forms 
Vote 411 Indiana information